Celebrating 10 Years of PubMagNet: A worldwide network of book trade magazines, colleagues and friends

It seems as if it all started only last season, but it was 10 years ago when we first met in Vienna, for an informal exchange between professional publications for the international book trade, and a few like minded colleagues interested in publishing markets and developments.

Pictured are Thomas Wilking, buchreport, Javier Celaya, DosDoce, Benedicte Page, The Bookseller, Andrew Albanese, Publishers Weekly, Anne-Laure Walter and Fabrice Piault, Livres Hebdo, Carlo Carrenho, PublishNews, and our guide at the French National Library. (Photo: R. Wischenbart)

Within a decade, its members come from all over the world, and yet it has remained to be as informal as in the very beginnings. Only, that PubMagNet – for Publishing Magazines Network, as we call it – has evolved into an ongoing exchange of ideas, professional experiences, innovative impulses – and also a group of friends.

In 2017, we met in Paris, to celebrate the 10th anniversary for PubMagNet, ready to continue, seamlessly, into the second decade.

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