The Suhrkamp Crisis

Context and perspectives for the book business.

Suhrkamp Insel Logo

What is the abrupt change of ownership at Suhrkamp Verlag all about?

How surprising was the upheaval?

What does this mean for the book and publishing business as a whole?

(Deutsche Fassung hier)

It was a shock. Suhrkamp, the publishing house that has shaped the German-language cultural landscape like no other institution for decades, is being taken over by a former DIY store manager. has abruptly withdrawn from the company, after having sold the old family villa shortly before Unseld’s 100th birthday.

1 Suhrkamp and the German book market: an assessment in figures

However, this development is not really surprising, at least if you take a closer look at the background and the environment.

Among the 100 largest publishers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Suhrkamp was in 46th place with a turnover of 35.4 million euros – well behind other important cultural publishers such as Rowohlt (25), S. Fischer (27), Ullstein (34) or Carl Hanser (41st place – which also includes the Viennese publisher Zsolnay Verlag).

Among Suhrkamp’s 10 best-selling fiction authors in the decade from 2011 to 2020 are just two names of living German-language writers – namely the Austrian Robert Menasse (in 6th place) and Lutz Seiler from Germany (in 8th place). Other top places go to Elena Ferrante (1), Hermann Hesse (2), Isabel Allende (3), Max Frisch (4) and Bertold Brecht (9). (Analysis rw, based on data from Media Control)

There is no published data on the publishing company’s profits or losses. However, turnover has remained constant for a dozen years with slight fluctuations of around 35 million euros – which, however, corresponds to a loss in value of around a fifth once inflation is taken into account.

Around half of all sales are generated with comparatively expensive hardback editions. Digital editions (i.e. e-books and audio books) and the sale of licensing rights contribute just 15 percent to Suhrkamp’s turnover. (The German trade magazine Buchreport last obtained and published this data from Suhrkamp for the 2022 financial year).

Of course, the question now arises: How else is a publishing house supposed to earn money if not by selling hardcover first editions and inexpensive paperbacks, which contribute around a third of Suhrkamp’s turnover?

Firstly, a look at the German book industry over the past 15 years or so:

Most published industry statistics proudly emphasize how ‘resilient’ – i.e. stable and robust – the book business is. This includes sales figures that are reasonably stable. However, this is only true as long as the effects of inflation are ignored. Between 2019 – the year before the Covid-19 pandemic – and 2023, the book market turnover increased by 1.6 percent. In the same period, however, there was inflation of 16.9 percent, which is not taken into account in this calculation. In real terms, the book market in Germany has therefore shrunk considerably. The number of books sold to customers – i.e. the number of copies – fell by 8.4 percent between 2019 and 2023. (Calculations based on statistics from the German Publishers and Booksellers Association)

The long-term comparison is even more drastic. An analysis of the number of copies sold from 2011 to 2020 shows that this figure has been falling linearly and evenly for more than a decade, especially in the segment of printed book titles that are particularly successful and therefore economically particularly important for publishers. Even the pandemic has left virtually no mark on this long-term trend. (Analysis by the author, based on data from Media Control)

This means that the average paid circulation per title has fallen continuously. In the last 5 years in particular, however, the costs for publishers – especially for paper, printing and infrastructure – have risen significantly. This threatening gap has been compensated for by increases in the retail prices of books. In a generally tense economic climate, however, all consumers are becoming increasingly cost-conscious and are cutting back on certain purchases. Obviously, this also includes books.

This was particularly noticeable in ‘brick-and-mortar’ – i.e. traditional – bookstores, whose sales fell by 14.5% between 2019 and 2023. However, Thalia, which is by far the largest bookstore chain, actually grew even further. This is why this very sustained shift has primarily affected small independent bookstores and smaller local chains.

There are no meaningful figures on the development of Amazon. But there are no signs of a decline in Amazon’s role. This is all the less so as it is clear to see how the digital book business in particular – especially outside of online purchases of printed books – is expanding strongly at Amazon.

This “digital business” is an increasingly diverse mix of self-publishing by authors who use the services of “KDP” (“Kindle Direct Publishing”) and consumers who are also increasingly using subscription services such as Kindle Unlimited or various subscriptions to Amazon’s audiobook arm Audible for certain parts of their book consumption.

In short, the territory of the traditional book business that Suhrkamp has long occupied so confidently and as the ‘top dog’ – as the publisher that can score points through its market position and cultural reputation for the ‘highest quality’ offering in terms of the symbolic value of its authors and their books – is under massive pressure to change.

2 Are there alternatives?

Finding one’s role in this ‘new world’ of books – regardless of the format or format – and shaping it successfully in the long term is a complex challenge.

Well, to take a deliberately extreme counter-example: The publishing house Bastei Lübbe, which is also very familiar with internal business crises, is currently managing this feat quite well.

Bastei Lübbe’s revenues are currently distributed comparatively evenly between printed books and e-books, audio books and other offerings of all kinds of ‘reading fodder’ – because, of course, it is largely not about high literature or complex social analyses.

The publishing house, which was founded as a booklet publisher in 1949 – Suhrkamp was launched just one year later, in 1950 – is now comparatively broadly positioned, ranging from international bestseller stars such as Ken Follett to LYX, a special department for romance novels driven by influencers via Tik Tok – i.e. a modern, digital version of the earlier booklets, which are still available on the side – to a mixed operation such as Community Editions, which is positioned at the interface to computer games and all kinds of digital entertainment.

However, this deliberately extreme contrast between the “Suhrkamp culture” ingeniously staged by Siegfried Unseld in his heyday on the one hand, and the colorful trash mix on the other, illustrates a very serious upheaval that book and publishing companies as a whole have to face today:

Building a stable cultural enterprise solely with books for a narrow target group of educated, urban, German-speaking upper middle class people is a very shaky concept.

However, the reason behind this is not – as is often lamented – that “young people in particular no longer read, but just stare at their cell phones”.

Rather, our societies have become much more diverse and complex since the 1960s and 1970s.

3 How much have society and the target audience for books changed?

Our societies have become much more diverse.

The various population groups with a migration background – including a considerable number of educated people, many of whom were born, raised and socialized here – are virtually absent from the range of books offered by publishers and booksellers.

But the general media culture and its offerings have also become much more fragmented and broader.

The Tik Tok boom among young people is the only exception so far, as the book industry has now realized how well hashtags such as #booktok can be used to communicate and sell printed, beautifully designed books.

However, the multitude of digital platforms is much more colorful than just Tik Tok. The boom in audiobooks makes this clear – and only gradually are we beginning to realize that these new, entirely digitally produced and distributed audiobooks are often distributed in combination packs with other content, by subscription and not primarily by purchasing the individual title.

But of course there is also the deliberately and radically unadapted option as a business model: to resist this, even to oppose it and to deliberately set a clear edge and line and say: I only produce high-quality literature, culture and science. Period!

But this is precisely where it is essential to position oneself in a very modern and contemporary way in terms of conception, production, internal workflows, right through to sales and the perfect approach to very precisely defined target groups, and to do this with all the means that today’s – predominantly digital – means of communication make possible.

One such example is – not entirely coincidentally – the British publishing house Bloomsbury. Yes, exactly, the publisher that brought Harry Potter into the world in 1997 after dozens of other publishers had rejected J.K. Rowling’s first manuscript.

Harry Potter still contributes to Bloomsbury’s continued success and growth – but not alone, and not by magic. Rather, publishing house founder Nigel Newton puts it quite pragmatically, but also confidently:

“This dramatic increase arises from our entrepreneurial diversification strategy, which has forged a portfolio of portfolios combining consumer and academic publishing across formats, territories and subject areas, a resilient model delivering long-term success.” (The Bookseller, 23 May 2024)

Here, too, a clear counter-program to Suhrkamp’s previous strategy is brought to the point. After all, in times of profound change, insisting on a great portfolio alone can only lead to paralysis.

4 What happens next?

There are at least two striking details in the somewhat sparse reports on the upcoming change between the Unseld-Berkéwicz family and the new 100 percent owner Dirk Möhrle:

An “annual net loss of 270,000 euros” is reported for 2022. Well, for a company with an annual turnover of 35.4 million euros, this means a loss of less than one percent.

This alone is not a threat to the company’s existence. But why all the fuss?

Secondly, it is reported that the new owner immediately expressed his confidence in the current managing director of the publishing house, Jonathan Landgrebe. Landgrebe has been a member of the publishing house’s management board since 2008 and has been its sole director since its transformation into a (private, non-listed) stock corporation.

Similar to Unseld, albeit without his self-promotion, Landgrebe clearly regards himself as a ‘businessman‘, as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has already attested. (FAZ, 21Jan2015)

If I try to read between the lines here, then there seems to have been a lot of trouble behind the family and board scenes for a while. In fact, this has been publicly confirmed by Landgrebe in an interview at ‘Zeit online’.

When I try to speculate on possible future scenarios against this backdrop – in the knowledge that I could very easily be completely wrong – I can think of several very different variants, although due to a lack of personal knowledge of the person, I am deliberately not speculating on the exact plans or the role that the announced new owner Dirk Möhrle will play in them:

Takeover by one of the publishing groups present in Germany, i.e. Bertelsmann via Penguin Random House, or Bonnier or Holtzbrinck: Very unlikely, also independent of competition-relevant assessments, because the cultural structure of Suhrkamp and its authors does not fit in there exactly;

– Takeover by a ‘benevolent billionaire‘, similar to the takeover of the second-largest publishing group Editis by the Czech billionaire Daniel Křetínský in France, where a fierce labor dispute, including a strike, has just broken out: Possible, of course, but with few precedents in Germany;

Takeover by “private equity” in order to develop and then commercially exploit the considerable, very valuable potential of rights and their contemporary exploitation in all directions – following the model of the recent takeover of the traditional New York publishing house Simon and Schuster by KKR Private Equity: a quite plausible variant.

– Simple continuation by the new owner, in the old concept? As good as impossible.

Only one thing is clear: the developments surrounding Suhrkamp remain exciting – and continue to point the way forward for the book and publishing industry in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Interested in an international perspective on the current upheavals in the publishing business? The Global 50 Publishing Ranking offers an overview with a ranking of leading publishing groups worldwide, an analysis and company profiles with financial data and details on business development on 220 pages. For only 50 euros. >> 

Global Ranking 2024 is out

What Drives and Shapes the Global Book Business in 2024?

Global 50 Publishing Ranking 2024

The Global 50 Publishing Ranking 2024 provides a deep dive into today’s international book industry, using many of the world’s leading publishers as examples. The companies listed generate over 60 billion euros in revenue – more than half of the global publishing market value.

Since its first edition in 2007, the Global 50 Publishing Ranking has provided a comprehensive and in-depth annual overview of the global book business, with a ranking of the industry leaders, analysis of key trends and strategic developments, and detailed company profiles, rich with key data on financials, mergers and acquisitions, structural business developments such as changes in top management, corporate restructuring, and digital and AI-related innovations.

The report reflects surprising continuities and profound shifts in an industry that is experiencing highly dynamic consolidation as well as transformative forces that are radically reshaping business and distribution models for consumer books, educational materials, and scholarly and professional information services.

The Global 50 Publishing Ranking is researched by Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting and published by leading international book industry publications, including Publishers Weekly (USA), The Bookseller (UK), Livres Hebdo (France), dpr Digital Publishing Report (Germany) and Bookdao (China). 

The Ranking is supported by Bookwire.

Today, book publishing has become a true part of the global content business. Yet books have retained a unique quality because publishing has created the most diverse manifestations of what can be neatly summed up by those 4 letters – B O O K:

Books can be printed on paper, listened to on a smartphone, packaged as an educational course, subscribed to as a globally branded academic journal, or snacked on as a serialized animated story. Books are embraced by audiences in multiple formats, physical or digital, picked up in a bookstore or on an online platform, presented by a small but highly creative independent press or by a global publishing conglomerate.

The Publishing Ranking 2024 documents and analyses this industry in a comprehensive global perspective.  

Global 50 CEO Talk 2024 at Frankfurt

Simon & Schuster's Global Expansion and Digital Transformation Spotlighted at Global 50 CEO Talk 2024

Portraits of Richard Sarnoff (KKR Private Equity) and Jonathan Karp (Simon and Schuster)

Prominent Guest Speakers, Jonathan Karp, CEO of Simon & Schuster and Richard Sarnoff, Chairman of Media for KKR's Private Equity platform in the Americas to discuss Simon & Schuster’s Strategic Vision and Growth Opportunities at the Frankfurt Book Fair’s Premier Industry Event

The Global 50 CEO Talk 2024, held in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair, will take place on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, from 14.00 to 15.00 at the International Stage (between halls 4.1 and 5.1). The session will explore the strategic vision of Simon & Schuster, the iconic global publishing company celebrating its 100th anniversary. Jonathan Karp will highlight Simon & Schuster’s evolving role as a global publishing powerhouse, expanding its reach internationally while embracing digital transformation and innovation in publishing.

Simon & Schuster, acquired by KKR in 2023, continues to grow its global footprint, with recent acquisitions of leading Dutch publisher Veen Bosch & Keuning (VBK) and Australian publisher Affirm Press, marking its international ambitions. As the company continues to diversify across print and digital channels, Karp will explore the opportunities and challenges of scaling internationally and how Simon & Schuster is positioning itself for sustained growth.

Richard Sarnoff, Chairman of the Board of Simon & Schuster and long-time KKR investor and former senior publishing industry executive, will provide additional context on Simon & Schuster’s successful transition under new ownership and how the company is poised to lead in both established markets and new growth areas within the evolving publishing landscape.

Jonathan Karp and Richard Sarnoff will be interviewed live on stage by the editors of by Bookdao (PR China), The Bookseller (UK), dpr – Digital Publishing Report (Germany), Livres Hebdo (France) and Publishers Weekly (US) in a conversation moderated by Rüdiger Wischenbart.

The Global 50 CEO Talk is prepared in conjunction with the Global 50 Publishing Ranking, which has mapped the 50 largest publishing corporations each year since 2007. The world’s 50 largest publishing companies included in the latest ranking report generated publishing revenues of over 60 bnEUR (65 bnUSD) in 2023. The ranking has been researched and updated annually since 2007 by Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting.

The Global 50 Ranking and CEO Talk are supported by Bookwire (

The full Global 50 report, with the big list, an analysis and data-rich company profiles will be available as a digital publication of around 250 pages from late September 2024 at

About Jonathan Karp:

Jonathan Karp, Chief Executive Officer of Simon & Schuster, leads the company’s numerous publishing groups as well as its international companies in Australia, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom. Karp first joined Simon & Schuster in June 2010 as publisher of the company’s flagship imprint, and was named President and Publisher of Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing in 2018. Prior to joining Simon & Schuster, Karp was Publisher and Editor in Chief of Twelve, an imprint of Hachette Book Group, which he founded in 2005, following his tenure as Editor in Chief of Random House, where he began his publishing career. Karp serves on the Board of Directors of the Association of American Publishers and the Advisory Board of NYU’s Center for Publishing and Applied Literary Arts.

About Richard Sarnoff

Richard Sarnoff, Chairman of the Simon & Schuster Board of Directors, brings a wealth of experience in publishing, media, and education. His illustrious career includes serving as a senior executive and Supervisory Board member at Bertelsmann, where he held leadership roles both at Random House and Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments. In addition, Sarnoff served as Chairman of the Association of American Publishers during a key time in the evolution of the publishing industry as it adapted to the growth of eBooks and digital audiobooks. He currently serves as Chairman of Media within KKR’s Americas Private Equity business and in addition to the Simon & Schuster Board currently serves on the Boards of OverDrive, Teaching Strategies, Chegg, AST SpaceMobile, Lightcast, and numerous not-for-profit organizations.

Our projects in fall 2024

What is driving the global Book Business in these turbulent times? We help you to find out!

Cover of the Global 50 Publishing Ranking 2024

3 big research questions are framing our approaches in this year’s Global Ranking and 2 related events:

  • What is driving change in the global book business?
  • Why are there so many new faces in publishing leadership positions around the world?
  • How big and how impactful are all these new platforms, startups, and channels from a consumer perspective?

With our reports and events this fall, we want to provide insights and solid information to back up your decision making in these turbulent times.

We plan to

To never miss an update on our releases, subscribe to our newsletter!

Check out as well “All About Digital Distribution“, the Digital Summit 2024 on September 19, organized by our longtime partner Bookwire.

Logo Publishing Beyond Publishers

New! >> What is “Publishing Beyond Publishers”

There is so much more going on in the international book business then what fits between two covers.

Self-publishingplatforms that target highly segmented target audiences – multi-format publishing – multi-channel distribution – serialization – readers (and listeners) who have taken on the role of book ambassadors.

There are so many ways for books to be created, produced, picked up by consumers – and devoured!

And amazingly, most of this is not represented in the book and publishing statistics and bestseller lists that we look at to make sense of our industry. 

Download the full report here.

The library at the headquarter of Yuewen China Literature in Shanghai.
The library at the headquarter of Yuewen China Literature in Shanghai. (Photo: Ruediger Wischenbart)

Publishing Beyond Publishers” provides a global overview of the rapidly expanding universe of publishing models.

Most of these go well beyond the traditional value chain of authors working through traditional publishers (as gatekeepers and producers of their work).

Instead, content can be created and disseminated in a variety of formats (print, digital), media (books, audio, films, games), distribution channels (communities, platforms, streams) and business models (unit sales of products, subscriptions, streaming, freemium, paid models) in mostly digitally defined supply and marketing chains.

This study maps representative cases of these new models and adds evidence-based indicators to assess the scale of these sectors and sub-sectors.

The report has been written by Ruediger Wischenbart, with Thad McIlroy.

Global50 CEO Talk 2023

“Good Stories Never End.”

Hou Xiaonan, CEO of Tencent Corporation’s Yuewen platform, is the sole guest speaker at the Global 50 CEO Talk 2023.

The Global 50 CEO Talk 2023, held in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, from 14.00 to 15.00 in the Frankfurt Pavilion, will explore how Yuewen is expanding literary story telling into a dynamic ecosystem which includes reading, comics and animation, film and television, games and much more.

Yuewen is the online platform for writing and reading in China’s Tencent corporation, a multinational technology and entertainment group headquartered in Shenzhen. It currently serves over 10 millions writers and over 200 million monthly active users, hosting over 10 millions literary works, and reporting annual revenues of  7.63 billion Chinese Yuan (958 million Euros or 1.05 billion US Dollars).

Founded two decades ago under the iconic brand name of Qidian, it preceded platforms such as Wattpad or Kindle Direct Publishing, pioneering a digital universe for story telling in all its facets.

About Hou Xiaonan:

Mr. Hou Xiaonan joined Yuewen in April 2020 and currently serves as its Chief Executive Officer, President and Executive Director, responsible for the strategic planning and business operation. Mr. Hou also serves as the Vice President of the Platform and Content Group of Tencent and the Head of Tencent Animation and Comics. Mr. Hou joined Tencent in 2003 and has held various management positions for Tencent businesses including Mobile QQ, Qzone, Tencent Open Platform, YingYongBao, Qingteng and Penguin Media Content Platform, acting as a core figure in Tencent’s open ecosystem strategy. He has extensive and in-depth management experience in product operation, business model innovation, and ecosystem cooperation. 


Hou Xiaonan, CEO of Yuewen

The Global 50 CEO Talk is prepared in conjunction with the Global 50 Publishing Ranking of the publishing industry, mapping the 50 largest publishing corporations each year since 2007.

This ranking is listing the world’s 50 largest publishing companies, who in 2022 generated publishing revenues of 62.6 bnEUR (70.9 bnUSD).

The Global 50 Publishing Ranking is researched by Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting, and published by Bookdao (PR China), The Bookseller (UK), buchreport (Germany), Livres Hebdo (France) and Publishers Weekly (US).

The Global 50 Ranking and CEO Talk are supported by Bookwire ( )

The full Global 50 report, with the big list, an analysis and data rich company profiles will be available as a digital publication of around 250 pages from mid October 2023 at , and at websites of Bookwire, Bookdao, Livres Hebdo and Publishers Weekly.

Beyond Publishers

What we often miss, when speaking about the “Book Business”

A research project by Rüdiger Wischenbart Content and Consulting 2023

When researching the Global 50 Ranking of the Publishing Industry 2022, I realized that this survey on the biggest actors in the international publishing business has major blind spots. Their scope and relevance is expanding. In 2022, Amazon’s payout from Kindle Unlimited to small presses and authors alone added up to half a billion US dollars.

Over the past decade, the traditional value chain of authors or agents > publishers (as gatekeepers) > distributors > bookshops > consumers and readers has been replaced partly by an increasing variety of different models.

It began with self-publishing services like Amazon’s Kindle Direct, with a focus on just a few niche genres like romance or fantasy. Strongly performing bestseller authors got more entrepreneurial, using publishers and distributors just as providers of services. Authors’ writing hubs evolved into cross-media hubs, rebranded as “studios” for generating industrialized serialized storytelling. Publishing corporations figured out how to tap into such environments for discovering and fostering new creative talent. Today’s ebook and audiobook platforms have by and large abandoned selling books altogether, and instead provide consumers with services for accessing a huge library.

From a bird’s-eye view, the business of books operates less and less as a linear “value chain”. It resembles more an open sea, with a few major continents, plus lots and lots of islands and archipelagos of various sizes and shapes.

Beyond Publishers” is a research effort to

  • Map business actors and describe creation and exploitation models, and
  • Develop reasonable estimates of their respective scale and scope.

Questions to be researched in “Beyond Publishers” include:

  • What do we often miss when discussing the „Book Business“?
  • How do platforms like Spotify, Webtoons or Tonies compare to a bookshop?
  • Why, and how, a digital social media like Tiktok inspires the selling of print?
  • How are publishing processes changed with these various new models?
  • How can I measure the scope of such „publishing“ in a „Global Publishing Ranking“?
  • How can we include „self publishing“, „subscription“ or „streaming“ in book statistics?
  • How do we define what is a „book“ today? And why does it matter?

Find out more in the presentation “Beyond Publishers” or watch my talk at Readmagine in Madrid in June 2023.

The full report will be released in fall 2023.

Become a part of our effort!

Be a sponsor, or contribute data, or provide insights with a short questionnaire

Contact for suggestions and questions:
Wien, March 2023

Beyond Publishers

Researching the scope and diversity in non-traditional models in the book business today

Hammering Man in Frankfurt, Germany
Hammering Man
Please help us with some research on the book industry by filling out a short questionnaire! (And receive a small gift).
We need your input, observations, and insights to better understand today’s dynamic expansion of nontraditional publishing, book distribution, and marketing models – when authors successfully find an audience without first approaching a publisher or agent, the traditional entry points and gatekeepers to the book business.
Today, the publishing industry “Beyond Publishers” is
  • Far more diverse;
  • Much more complex, and also more adaptable;
  • Probably bigger than one might expect.
Why is this important?
For most of these offerings, we find no concrete data. And hardly anything shows up in the usual book statistics.
Therefore we ask you to use this link for filling out a questionnaire with a total of just 3 questions (in German or English).
When done, we’ll offer you a surprise gift!
Thank you very much!


Global 50 CEO Talk 2022 "Beyond Publishers": Ashleigh Gardner and Michael Tamblyn on "New facets of the global book business today."

The Global 50 CEO Talk 2022, held in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair Studio on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, from 14.00 to 15.00, will explore the book business beyond traditional publishers.

In recent years, the novel ways of how authors exploit their intellectual property (or IP) have opened wide and highly productive fields of creation, radically expanding what books, publishing and reading encompasses today:

  • Authors are building critical communities of readers online;
  • Well established bestselling authors are going ‘direct’ by publishing their books themselves;
  • Cross-media exploitation intertwining books, movies and games have expanded;
  • Industry sized cooperations between digital platforms and retailers have become well established practices;
  • With the success of graphic novels and manga, traditional boundaries between gernes of narrative fiction have blurred;
  • New business models have surged, including freemium and subscription, curated access to collections and both broad as well as highly specialized niche collections of titles.

This year’s CEO Talk will shed light on the game changing dynamics resulting from these non-traditional publishing models and explore the opportunities with thought leaders from two of the world’s largest platforms in this regard:

  • Ashleigh Gardner (Wattpad WEBTOON, Canada/Korea), and
  • Michael Tamblyn (Kobo Rakuten, Canada).

The Global 50 CEO Talk is prepared in conjunction with the Global 50 Publishing Ranking of the publishing industry, mapping the 50 largest publishing corporations each year since 2007

This ranking is listing the world’s 50 largest publishing companies, who in 2021 generated publishing revenues of 58.8 bnEUR in 2021 (66.7 bnUSD).

The Global 50 Publishing Ranking is researched by Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting, and published by Bookdao (PR China), The Bookseller (UK), buchreport (Germany), Livres Hebdo (France) and Publishers Weekly (US).

The Global 50 Ranking and CEO Talk are supported by Bookwire ( )

Ashleigh Gardner (Wattpad WEBTOON Studios)

About Ashleigh Gardner (Wattpad WEBTOON Studios):

As Senior Vice President, Managing Director Global Publishing, Ashleigh Gardner works with writers and publishers around the world to turn stories and digital comics from Wattpad and WEBTOON into books and graphic novels. Under Ashleigh’s leadership, the Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group is reshaping the publishing industry by leveraging data and insights from the one billion uploads that have been shared on Wattpad to find future best-sellers. In addition to publishing stories under the Wattpad Books and W imprints, Ashleigh sells translation rights, creating global imprints in partnership with some of the leading publishers around the world. 


Michael Tamblyn (Rakuten Kobo CEO)

Michael Tamblyn, President and Chief Executive Officer at Rakuten Kobo, drives growth, profitability and international expansion in a fiercely competitive market. He combines a passion for reading with a deep focus on hardware and software experiences. In addition to leading Rakuten Kobo, the global digital bookseller, he advises start-ups focused on aging and technology as Chief Entrepreneur of Age-Well NCE, is on the board of directors of the Law Commission of Ontario, Ontario’s law reform body, as well as The Power Plant, Toronto’s foremost contemporary art gallery. Michael has been a part of Rakuten Kobo’s executive team since its inception in 2009, and previously held the role of Chief Content Officer. He holds a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario.


The Global 50 Publishing Ranking 2022: Growth for the largest publishing groups - Continuing consolidation - New business models expanding.

The Global 50 Publishing Ranking 2022 lists and analyzes 50 leading publishing corporations worldwide with combined reported revenue for fiscal 2021 of 58,846 mEUR (66,655 mUSD).

Overall, and particularly among the top 20, the leaders in the global book business saw a significant upswing in their aggregated revenue. The top 10 along account for over half of the turnover in the top 50.

Global 50 Publishing Ranking 2017 to 2021
Global 50 Publishing Ranking: Aggregated revenue 2017 to 2021

By publishing sector, trade – or consumer book publishers – saw the largest winners. Science technical and medical (STM) as well as professional publishers fared well, albeit without major ups and downs, stabilizing after an earlier period of remarkable expansion in both revenue and offered services. In Education, some of the largest providers of higher education materials confronted challenges for some time, while some smaller contenders could strengthen their market position by diversifying their offerings and by some acquisitions.

Consolidation, seen across the board for several years, continued, with the two largest maneuvers still pending – the acquisition of American Simon and Schuster by Bertelsmann’s Penguin Random House, and the announced takeover of Hachette, the largest publishing group in France, by cross-media giant Vivendi. But also, in logistics and fulfillment, and in retail, highly consequential structural shifts can be seen in many markets.

An industry traditionally focused on producing and selling productsbooks – is seeing a rise in complex services to the end consumer, as access and convenience in discoverability for highly specialized and segmented consumer demand are the drivers in today’s transformation.

The Global 50 Publishing Ranking is researched by Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting, and published by Bookdao (PR China), The Bookseller (UK), buchreport (Germany), Livres Hebdo (France) and Publishers Weekly (US).

The Global 50 Ranking and CEO Talk are supported by Bookwire ( )

The full Global 50 report, with the big list, an analysis and data rich company profiles will be available as a digital publication of around 250 pages from Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at , and at websites of Bookwire, Bookdao, Livres Hebdo and Publishers Weekly.

About Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting:

Ruediger Wischenbart founded Content and Consulting in 2005, to create market reports and professional industry events for the international book industry with a particular emphasis on innovation and thought leadership.

Recent activities include the Digital Consumer Book Barometer series of reports (, the Global 50 Publishing Ranking ( ) and the ReBoot Books series of debates ( , together with Carlo Carrenho and Klaus-Peter Stegen)


Vienna, September 13, 2022

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