Publishing is globalizing NOW. But how does this work, really?

I have spent quite some time lately, in researching and trying to understand how globalization impacts publishing in the various regions. Parts of this is digging up and digesting dry statistics (thanks to the MANY helping hands, and apologies to all where some – hopefully corrected – mistakes have occured).

But of course, desk research has been enlivened by journeys, as most recently and most fascinatingly, to India and to the United Arab Emirates.

Working on export data (from UK/US into various markets), one huge question has formed in my mind:

Over the past decades, these exports have grown significantly overall, being one of the best indicators for that globalization. Yet this obviously must have produced contrasting patterns:

In some places, this has certainly supported growth of a domestic  publishing scene (e.g. in China), while in other regions, the growth of imports seems to have coincided with a significant decline of an often well established book trade (e.g. in several Arab countries – for a mix of factors and reasons).

While I am working on a first analysis of all this, I am highly curious to learn more on how imports and exports have influenced domestic markets internationally, over the past decade or so.

Join us at LBF for the IPA seminar „Global Publishing Markets: Trends & Developments“


To attend a session at the London Book Fair to discuss international statistics and perspectives of publishing markets

Monday, April 16, 2012, 10:00 to 11:00 am
Thamse Room (Earls Court, level 1)


In 2011, the International Publishers Association (IPA) launched an initiative to survey “Global Publishing Markets”, and contracted Rüdiger Wischenbart Content for the research. The London Book Fair and BookExpo America contribute to the effort as partners & sponsors.

At this seminar we will present updated findings on markets worldwide, discuss methodology & key data sources and parameters, as well as analyze notably how exports statistics and other data can help in assessing data-poor regions.

This is also the opportunity to cordially thank all colleagues and partners for their kind and critical input and support of this study!

The Book Ecosystem – German version!

At the Leipzig Book Fair, which closed yesterday, a colorful meeting ground for authors, readers and other book people (plus thousands of Manga lovers disguised as their favorite characters in play), the „book“ was supposedly the real thing, as opposed to the *e*. And yet, there was, probably for the first time in Germany, a broad consensus about ebooks to have started their journey with readers, in „real“. While in opening addresses, there was still talk about the „end“ of book culture as we know it, it may be more interesting to understand what this means, practically. So I added a few thoughts on the „ecosystem of books and reading“ in my column „Virtualienmarkt“ at Perlentaucher. In case your German is rusty, try Google translation, it works good enough to get a read.

BookLab relaunched

After a lengthy silence, while traveling a lot, and exploring how globalisation and digital, how emerging markets as well as these old main markets change radically, this blog is bound to be lively again. Check it out, tweet and facebook or LinkIn its exploits. In any case, stay tuned.

Ruediger Wischenbart

The Diversity Report 2010 is out: Mapping and analysing literary translations in Europe

The Diversity Report 2010 aims at portraying and mapping how a significant sample of the best renowned contemporary authors of literary fiction in Europe shape cultural diversity (and its limits) across 15 European book markets.

Translation of works of fiction makes stories, memories and idea travel across cultural boundaries. And literary authors and their work stand for the cultural richness of this continent.

However, our understanding of the flows of – and the barriers to – translation mostly lacks the empirical groundwork for a solid analysis.

Building on its two preceding reports, the Diversity Report 2010 will track ca. 200 well established fiction authors and their work across large parts of the European book markets and hence the cultural landscapes for a detailed account of

•  Who is translated into which languages, and who is not;

•  What languages are more receptive for translations, or are better received by other territories, than others;

•  What are the overarching patterns and trends with regard to translations of the core of European contemporary fiction?

Surveyed authors will include writers from English (British and South African), French, German, Austrian, Spanish, Swedish, Italian as well as, with specific emphasis, Central and Southeast Europe.

The Diversity Report 2010 will be presented and debated on March 31 st , 2011, at the World Book Summit 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. ( ) and at the London Book Fair, Centre for Literary Translation on April 12, 2011, 10 to 11 am.

eBooks: Kleine Verschiebung, grosse Wirkung!

Natürlich ist die Suche nach eBooks noch ziemlich mühsam, zu unberechenbar ist das Angebot, zu willkürlich, was von Verlagen digital zum sofortigen Download angeboten wird, und was nicht. Und die Wirrungen enden nicht mit der erfolgreichen Suche. Die fangen mit dem Fund erst so richtig an.

Das Auffälligste ist gewiss, wie durchgängig hier, auch bei deutschen Angeboten, plötzlich über den Preis geworben wird. „Jetzt kaufen. Print Ausgabe 31,00 Euro – durchgestrichen. eBook 26,99. Sie sparen 5,01. Sofort lieferbar (Download)“. Darunter wartet schon der „Warenkorb“.

Weiter lesen hier.

EBooks unterm Weihnachtsbaum – eine schöne Bescherung!

„Schatz, legst Du schon mal die eBooks unter den Weihnachtsbaum?“ Der Satz wird diesmal noch nicht ganz so häufig ins Wohnzimmer gerufen werden, aber es wird ihn geben. Er wird sich diesmal noch eher auf kleine Kartonschächtelchen mit den Lesegeräten darin beziehen, denn die Bücher selbst, jeweils gerade mal eine kleine elektronische Datei, in ein paar Sekunden aus dem Netz geladen, benötigen keine Verpackung, sondern nur ein Preisschild – zum Beispiel für einen Weihnachtsgutschein.

Aber das Preisschild wird verwirrend sein und vielen aus der Branche erhebliches Kopfzerbrechen bereiten. Und das hat erst einmal gar nichts mit den festen Buchpreisen zu tun, sondern mit der neuen digitalen Welt.


Packed room for debating the global ranking of publishing at Frankfurt

The first debate of industry leaders, based on the Global Ranking of the Publishing Industry, found an audience of over 150 publishing professionals at the first day of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2010.

Debate on the Global Ranking of the Publishing Industry at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2010

Debate on the Global Ranking of the Publishing Industry at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2010

Co-organized by Livres Hebdo, buchreport, Publishers Weekly and The Bookseller, and kicked off with some key findings of the Global Ranking that we research every year since 2007, top executives of five major actors in this field discussed where in their view publishing is heading for.

With Jesús Badenes, Managing director books of Planeta, Peter Field, CEO Penguin, UK, Carolyn Reidy, President and CEO of Simon & Schuster and Pascal Zimmer, Managing director, Libri, Germany, the stage was well set for a broad panorama.

Together, these speakers could cover many of the major markets of this industry at first hand experience, notably Germany France, Italy, Spain, Latin America, the UK and the USA – representing together well over two thirds of the global turnover of publishing. The focus was put on the impact of the difficult economic environment, the perspctives of digital and how roles of publishers, retail and agents are confronting change.

There was a quite surprising consensus on a cautious optimistic outlook for the economic side of the business, based on the hope that the coming high season around christmas may see a recovery after two mostly strenuous years.

E-Books are considered by now as just an integral part of the book business – or ‚just one more edition of a work, according to Peter Field, yet in its early stages, where it is still open to understand where the digital replaces, or cannibalizes, the printed, at lower retail prices, thus c hanging the economics quite a bit (Carolyn Reidy).

Everybody underlined efforts necessary to stabilize this new market segment (e.g. Teresa Camisi, describing the huge differences betwee stable French, and a turbulent Italian market where the prize of a book released on Monday may have already changed by the following Firday), which was also set apart from the turbulences as seen in the music industry, because books are just different from other forms of content. (Jesús Badenes)

Everybody was fond of the so called ‚agency model‘, with the publisher setting the retail price, and not the retailer. And while the explosion of available titles through publishing on demand, or self publishing, not only in the USA, but in Europe just as well is seen as one key driver of change in this industry (Pascal Zimmer), there is still a solid role for publishers with their knowhow on bringing authors to their audiences.

The complete ranking here (1.2 MB)

The presentation with key findings of the ranking is for download here.

Livres Hebdo here and here

buchreport here

The Bookseller here

Publishing Perspectives here

Xinhua here

Deutscher Buchpreis: Congrats to Jung und Jung Verlag and winning author Melinda Nadj Abonji (and a quick foot note)!

With Melinda Nadj Abonji winning the Deutscher Buchpreis very unexpectedly (and Jung und Jung Verlag proving in a most stunning way that a very small publisher can land a very big hit in German language lands indeed!) I am, first of all, in line for all the best wishes! What an accomplishment!

This said – and in an earlier bet on this blog, based on market data, wrongly  predicting a head on head race between Autrian Doron Rabinovici and German Bachmann Prize winner Peter Wawerzinek, I must add that I am of course very pleased with the final result.

This just adds evidence that book landscapes are much more diverse and open to new voices, and new publishers, small and big, than many would suspect. Initiative, good knowledge of literature AND the trade pay off, and it is just not true that successful literature in Europe is more or less always much of the same. NO.

So we will very closely map incoming data about what this surprise evening will set off – and report here as well as through the channels of professional publishing media.

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