August 24, 2017
Following up on last year’s successful premiere with the Beijing Summit of the Global Ranking of the Publishing Industry, again a top level conference has been held right ahead of the opening of the Beijing Internatuional Book Fair, BIBF, on August 22nd, 2017.
This year, the focus was put on „Knowledge Services„, a Chinese formula summarizing Science, Technical and Medical as well as Educastional publishers.
Again, leading executives of key players from Chinese and international publishing companies addressed an audience of influencial Chinese publishing professionals to discuss recent trends in the industry, and opportunities to broaden and deepen the exchange between China and the world.
Professional speakers included Shi Hongjun, general manager of CITIC Publishing Group, Elsevier Scientific Reference Global vice president of Solutions Davies Bryan (Dai Bowen), a joint company director, vice president of Zhejiang Publishing, Wu Xueyong, Springer-Nature Group’s chief strategy officer, Niels Peter Thomas , vice president Himalaya, Jiang Feng, and Francis & Taylor’s chief technology officer, Max Gabriel.
As in 2016, Wu Shulin, former deputy director of the State Administration for Press, Publications, Film, Radio and Television (SAPPFRT, formerly GAPP), and now executive vice president of the China Publishers‘ Association (CPA) gave an introduction and welcome to the delegates.
The half day conference had been jointly organized by CPA and the leading Chinese professional trade publication, Bookdao, and co-sponsored by Publishers‘ Weekly, Livres Hebdo and Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting.
For a detailed account, including video from the event, see the report in Bookdao and in Livres Hebdo.